Holistic Muscle Therapy

How you feel and look is in direct relation to your posture. Your posture has a lot to say about your personality. And a lot to say about the workings of your muscles and joints. The body's posture is a dynamic relationship between the psychophysical (both physical and mental qualities) you and your interaction within the field of gravity.

It's easy to neglect the primary factors that gives us balance in our lives. One thing we have to understand is the fact that we are a complex mix of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional dimensions. Each one of these dimensions has to be acknowledged and cared for so as to maintain the correct stability or balance required for effective functioning.

To ignore, neglect or forget any of these factors, means we are out of balance and our body will tells us this. This imbalance may show up as loss of appetite, inability to sleep, poor posture, poor coordination, poor kinesthetic awareness, back pain, neck pain, poor balance or falling, etc.

Although, conventional Western medicine looks at the body as a functioning mechanism that's unconnected to the rest of our being, the approach taking by holistic healing considers the body to be a reflection of the whole person; moving us from the position of "me and my body" which are two separate entities, to "I am my body", a single entity. We are one, not separate!

Holistic muscle therapy is a valuable alternative to traditional or western medicine. There are a lot of ways to deal with illnesses and pains and there's no reason for you to limit yourself to only one.